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Case Study:
Sparque - Riese & Muller

Premium e-bike reseller Sparque approached us to conceptualise and produce a series of films designed to showcase the Reise & Muller range of e-bikes as well as the sales and service capabilities of Sparque.


Through collaboration with Sparque the concept we developed was to showcase their e-bikes and services through the experiences of Sparque's real-life customers. No gorgeous models twinkling as they tell us how much they love their e-bikes despite never even having ridden one. No, this was to be a genuine series of personal portraits with authentic everyday riders.


Over the course of two months, the Thirdrow Films team cast the main contributors and conducted documentary-style audio interviews focused on collecting the anecdotal experiences of each rider. These were then edited to serve as the audio beds for each of the six films. Locations were local to the riders and from across Victoria, providing the opportunity to showcase the bikes in both rural and metro settings.


With Sparque's team themselves helping as back-up riders and expert bike crew the films involved seamless teamwork and were shot over five days across two weeks.





©2024 Thirdrow Films

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